Auto parts manufacturer JEG Inc. has a number of vacancies at lower management levels and wants to fill the positions from within the company itself rather than recruit externally. The company plans to e-mail the job specifications to all employees and post the jobs on the company Web site. Which of the following is a disadvantage of job posting?

A. All employees do not have equal opportunities to apply for a job.
B. Unqualified employees can find out the qualifications they need to get a particular job.
C. Job postings prevent some qualified employees from having the opportunity to apply for a particular job.
D.  Unqualified applicants will need explanations about why they did not get the job.


D.  Unqualified applicants will need explanations about why they did not get the job.

As JEG Inc. wants to fill up their positions by doing recruitment from within the company itself rather recruit externally, in such situation, JEG wants to take advantage by maintaining paternalistic management style, here, they have created an ecosystem where employees are treated as family members, in case of any opportunities, they are given information first, such kind of organizational culture are much controlling in nature. Hence, correct answer is “JEG favors a paternalistic management style and its organizational culture tends to be rigid and controlling.” Other options are not related, so, other options are eliminated.