How to Study?

When you sit down to study, how do you transfer that enormous amount of information from the books and notes in front of you to a safe place in your mind? To do this, you need to develop good study habits. Changing the way you study at first will take serious mental effort, but after a while it will become commonplace for you and studying will become easier for you.

Preparation to Study

1) Manage your time. Make yourself a weekly schedule and devote a certain amount of time to studying. This will help you improve your grades. The amount of time you allocate will vary depending on your high school, university study, and even your field of study. Try to stick to your schedule as much as you can, but don’t be afraid to get out of the schedule, sometimes overwork due to upcoming exams. Make sure this program is realistic, not impossible. Don’t forget to include everything from eating, dressing and transportation to laboratories and lessons.
You have to balance your school, work and other extra-curricular activities. If your classes are really intense, you may want to give up your after-school work or extra-curricular activities until you improve your grades. You should prioritize your time. Remember: education is the most important thing to you, because education is the foundation of future success.
For college classes, you should base your study hours on the difficulty and credit of the course. For example; If you have a very difficult 3-hour physics class, you can study 9 hours a week (3 days a week, 3 hours). If you have a difficult 3-hour literature class, you can study 6 hours a week (2 days a week, 3 hours).


2 )  Set your own pace. Find your best speed to study and adjust accordingly. Some concepts and lessons will feel more natural to you, so you can study them faster. Other subjects may take twice as long. Set the time you need and work at the pace you feel comfortable with.
Working in 20-minute intervals will help make it much easier to retain information.
If you study slower, you will need to spend more time studying.


3) Get enough sleep.  Take time to get enough sleep on your schedule. You will find that your work will be efficient every night when you have a good sleep. As the exam approaches, and especially during the exam, you will realize its importance. Studies show that good sleep contributes positively to lessons by improving memory and attention. Studying while staying up all night might seem like a good idea, but stop all night cramming. When you work all week, you won’t need to work all night. Having a good sleep will allow you to get a better result.
If you feel a little sleepy despite trying hard, take a nap before studying. Keep this nap for 15-30 minutes. After you wake up, do some physical exercise before you start studying (like you would normally together).

4) Forget anything that is not related to the subject you are studying.   If your mind is too busy, take a break and take notes about what you were thinking and how you felt before you started studying. This will help clear his mind and focus all his thoughts on his work.

5) Get rid of electronics that will distract you.   Electronic devices are one of the most important distracting factors while working. Social media, text messages and computers connected to the internet … Silence your phone or keep it in your bag so that someone doesn’t get distracted when they call or text you. If possible, do not turn on your computer or connect to the internet.
If YouTube, Facebook and other social media sites can be easily distracted to you, you can install an app that blocks distracting sites on your computer. You can remove these obstacles when you’re done.

Setting Up the Study Area

1)Find a good study area.  Take control of the study area. You should feel comfortable so that you can enjoy your study. If you hate sitting on a chair in a library, find a place you like better, like a sofa or a cushion seat. Try studying in comfortable clothes such as sweatpants or yoga pants. The place you work in should be quiet and away from distraction.
Choosing a comfortable place to put you to sleep. You want to be comfortable, not to fall asleep. A bed isn’t a very good study place when you’re tired.
Traffic outside the windows and quiet library conversations are nice white noises, but not so disturbing brothers and music from next room. You may want to go somewhere away from people who might bother you.

2) Be careful when choosing the background music. Some prefer silence while working, others prefer a music playing in the background. Music can make a positive contribution to your work by helping you stay calm, boosting your spirits and motivating you. If you’re going to listen to music, go for classical, movie soundtracks, trans or baroque instrumental music without lyrics.
If it’s not distracting, you can listen to familiar music with words. Turn off anything else that might be distracting as you work. You can listen to rock music without words, but not pop. Find out by trying what helps you.
Keep the volume at a medium-low level. Loud music will distract you, but quiet music will help you while studying.
Turn on the radio. Ads and DJ sounds can distract you from the work environment. TV can also be distracting, so turn off the TV.

3) Listen to the background sounds. Background sounds can help you “get in” and focus on your work without being distracted. Natural sounds like waterfall, rain, thunder and forest sounds are white sounds that keep you in focus and block out other sounds. You can find such sounds on the Internet or on YouTube.

4) Keep the TV off. Keeping the TV on while working is often a bad idea. It distracts and causes you to focus on the TV show or movie rather than the book. Also, voices are extremely distracting because they activate the speech center of the brain.

5)Choose your snacks carefully. Eat healthy and nutritious foods instead of sugary and fatty foods while working. Choose things that give you energy like fruit or make you feel full like vegetables and snacks. If you need dessert, eat dark chocolate. Drink water to stay hydrated, and even if you need caffeine, you can drink tea.
Avoid foods high in sugar and carbohydrates such as instant noodles, chips, and candy. Don’t drink energy drinks and soda because the high amount of sugar in them will hit you. If you’re going to drink coffee, consume it without sugar. [11]
When you start studying, have your snacks ready so you don’t get hungry and look for food.